“shapely” is my newest project, where I have continued to explore the planes and curves of the fat body, including my own. Mirror images of my own body create intimate, voyeur-like snapshots. Photos have been cropped to create new shapes.
Fat women are treated unfairly and unequally in this country, point blank. Fat women are less likely to be hired for jobs, and are more likely to have medical symptoms ignored by doctors. The body positivity movement is alive and roaring, but are fat women actively being supported? During this unprecedented time, we’ve all heard the jokes about gaining weight during quarantine and coming out of this unrecognizable. But what if we’re already fat? What if this is the way that I’ve looked for years? Are you saying it’s only acceptable to gain weight during a global pandemic? Why is being fat always a worst case scenario?
Fat women are beautiful. Women with big stomachs deserve to be photographed. Back rolls and heavy thighs are worthy. Normalize showing fat bodies.